Cherry blooms in winter @ Roppongi Hills


  • Engineering production




The collaboration promotion event of job search engine “Indeed” and a famous anime was held in Hills Arena at Roppongi Hills.

Participants use a pumping device to collect light gauge. When the gauge is full, bubbles filled with smoke pushes out to fill the area.

The smoke-filled bubbles are lit with pink light to give an effect of snowfall in the cherry blossom color. This fantastic digital art depicts the famous epic scene from anime “cherry blossom of winter”; filling up the sky with the color of cherry blossom and making it viral on news as well as on social media.

TASKO made the interactive pumping device for this event.



TD, device design & engineering, and execution: Ryota Okiyama (TASKO Inc. Design Engineering Department)
Hardware design & production, and execution: Masaki Sato (TASKO Inc. Design Engineering Department)
Production: Ryoichi Sakata, Ryo Inomata, Kenta Suzuki (TASKO Inc. Design Engineering Department)

Direction, planning, and programming: IMG SRC inc.
Special effects: Migistraight Ltd.