*June 4th Upcoming Project→香港 “Microwave International Medai Art Festival 2016″。KIMURA 監修作品 “MMI” インスタレーション/ライブ情報

MMI Official website(Facebook)
MMI Profile Movie
News Updated: June 4th 2016
Happy 1st Exhibition day to Microwave 2016!
Our Installation start up today and it’s amazing,
Human Member; KIMURA(Mechanical Engineer), Tomoaki Yanagisawa(Lighting and Interaction designer) from MMI will take part in
“ARTIST SYMPOSIUM” and “Workshop” for Microwave 2016!
Exhibition Period: Saturday, June 4th – Sunday, 12th, 2016
Hours: 12:00 p.m. – 20:00 p.m.
HKFP Microwave 2016 Facebook Grand Openig Performance Video
Moderator: André Chan
*Conducted in English
*Free admission on a first-come,first-served basis.
Reservation: info@microwavefest.net
Date: Saturday, June 4th
Hours: 14:00 p.m. – 17:00 p.m.
(Time Schedule)
14:00 – 14:30 Annica Cuppetelli and Cristobal Mendoza (U.S. / Venezuela)
14:30 – 15:00 CHRIS HONHIM CHEUNG (HK)
15:00 – 15:30 Igor Deschamps, Technical Manager to work Akousmaflore, will attend on behalf of Grégory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt (French)
15:30 – 16:00 Paolo Cirio (Italy)
16:00 p.m. – 16:30 p.m. KIMURA and Tomoaki Yanagisawa (Japan)
Everyone can make a prototype of Machine Band and clap the rhythm of music to help learn the value of “Physical DTM” and to get accustomed to the MMI system through a Musical work by playing and using the devices of Machine band.
The MMI Performances and behind the scene – MIDI can operate your mind and body –
Saturday, June 4th
Hours: 17:00 p.m. – 19:00 p.m.
*MMI Special Performance Hours: 19:15 p.m. – 19:35 p.m.
*Conducted in English
*Free admission on a first-come,first-served basis.
Reservation: info@microwavefest.net or Reservation Website
Website: http://www.microwavefest.net/festival2016/Workshop.html
- News; updated May 31st, 2016↓
We MMI are pleased to announce that we are taking part in Microwave International New Media Arts Festival.
We will perform for the grand opening reception of this exhibition in Hong Kong. There will be two performances as a pre-event, one on 6/3 at Exhibition Hall with amazing view of spectacular night landscape of Victoria Harbour, and another on 6/4 at the same time as the workshop program, which theme is that “The MMI Performances and behind the scene – MIDI can operate your mind and body“ along with both KIMURA and Tomoaki Yanagisawa as a facilitator.
Our performance will be a set consisting of 5 pieces Machine Band which are operated by Human Member; KIMURA/ TASKO Inc.(Mechanical Engineer), Tomoaki Yanagisawa/ Rhizomatiks (Lighting and Interaction designer).
The exhibition at the Festival runs for 9 days (wonder!), from June 4th – 12th, at HK City Hall in Hong Kong.
If you are in the area, please join us.
Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2016 states;
‘We are at a time when ‘smart’ is everywhere; human and machine is inseparable. Japanese artist Kimura Masa’s Musical Mechanical instruments reshape emotional space. Between the all mechanical performance on the unmanned stage and the performance by human and mechanical performer, emotional tension is created through artificial intelligence.’
(Upcoming Project)
MMI will take part in a live Performance for the preview of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2016 tonight (3 June) at 18:30pm. Stop by and say hello if you are in the area.
Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2016
– Exhibition Hall, Low Block, Hong Kong City Hall
Friday, June 3rd
MMI Opening Performance: 18:30 p.m. – 21:00 p.m.
*Guided tour available. Reservation required; tour@microwavefest.net
(Machine Member)
(Human Member)
KIMURA (TASKO):マシンエンジニア
柳澤知明 (rhizomatiks):デバイスエンジニア
比嘉了 (rhizomatiks):プログラマー
2 bit 君 (buffer Renaiss):プログラマー
(MMI Profile)
“MMI(Musical Mechanical Instruments)” とは音楽の持つ高揚感を再現すべく製作されたマシンバンド。
“MMI” は演奏に加えて環境情報を空間に追加することで音楽における高揚感を作り出す装置として機能する。
– text by KIMURA
(Machine Memberについて)
A) 2本の指を持ち、弦を弾くギターマシンの “オート・オートマタG”、
B) 同じく、2本の指を持ち、弦を弾くベースマシンの “オート・オートマタB”、
C) 機械によるビートを保ちながら人間も加担することでよりエモーショナルなドラミングを行う “セミ・オートドラムD”
D) 人口音声による立体音響装置兼ボーカル “モーリさん”
2014.10月 明治神宮外苑絵画館前“TOKYO DESIGHERS WEEK 2014(Exhibition)”
2014.11月 東京ビッグサイト “MFT 2014(Exhibition / Performance)”
2015.02月 LIQUIDROOM “OKSAT (Performance)”
2015.03月 虎ノ門ヒルズ “SENSORS IGNITION 2015 (Exhibition / Performance)”
2015.05月 品川シーズンテラス “品テクマルシェ(Exhibition / Performance / Talk Session)”
2015.06月 restaurant Bar 青山CAY “ロボ婚 – フロイス&ロボリン結婚披露宴 (Performance)”
2015.08月 東京ビックサイト “Maker Faire Tokyo 2015(Exhibition / Performance)”
2015.08月 ゆず「終わらない歌」のMusic Video 出演
2015.10月 AOSANDO ART FAIR ×Apple Store 表参道 “Talk Live:マシンバンドMMIの作り方(Performance / Talk Session)”
2015.11月 恵比寿ガーデンホール “Perfumery Organ Exhibition in Tokyo(Exhibition / Performance)”
2015.12月 Art Center Nabi(ACN) in Seoul “ROBOT PARTY(Special Performance)” “Emotional Intelligence Robot(Hackathon)”
2016.01月 Art Center Nabi(ACN) in Seoul “ROBOT PARTY(Exhibition)”
We are pleased to announce that MMI (project by KIMURA(TASKO Inc.)) are playing the performance on “Robot Party” at Tazak Madang / Art Center Nabi(ACN) in Seoul /Korea next week(16th Dec. evening).
MMI human member and crew will be assigned in “Nabi Hackathon(15th – 17th, Dec.) ; Emotional Intelligence Robot(*7th nahbi HACKATHEN).”
On Thursday afternoon(17th Dec.), MMI will build up the Robot Party’ exhibition/Installation where will be placed in the same room of the performance “Robot Party HACKATHON.”
ENJOY MMI and KIMURA’ original and creative MIND for more delightful and ideal tomorrow.
Korea China Japan International Hackathon
Nabi Hackathon : Emotional Intelligence Robot(*7th nahbi HACKATHEN)
Date: 15th Dec. – 17th Dec., 2015
Venue: Tazak Madang (SKT UX HCI LAB _#89-1 Jangchoong-str. 1, Jung-gu, Seoul)
After 6pm(Jun Chang Hoon, Park Eun Chan, Oh Jin Hwan), DFRobot(Sun Kuan, Song Weihua),
PLEN(Atsuhiko Tomita, Kazuyuki Takase), Shanghai Makers(Xiong Zhaoping, Bao Weiyue),
Tasko Inc.(Masataka KIMURA, Yousuke ODA, Ryoichi Sakata), WM(Won Bin Yang, Michelle JJ Park)
For inquiry Creative team, cu@nabi.or.kr
Website: ACN
Date: 17th Dec.,2015 – 16th Jan., 2016
Hours: ↓
13:00pm-20:00pm *weekdays
11:00am-18:00pm *Saturday
*Closed on Sundays and public holidays
Venue: Venue Tazak Madang(SKT UX HCI LAB_#89-1 Jangchoong-str. 1, Jung-gu, Seoul)
Exhibition booth: TBA
Ticket info.: Register via Online
Website: Robot Party
*Matters for Inquiry Creative team, hyeen@nabi.or.kr
HyunWook KANG, YoungJin KIM, YongSeung KIM, JinWoo KIM, DaeJune PARK, Eunchan PARK,
Wonbin YANG, JaePil CHOI, Sangwha HONG, Nabi E.I Lab, SK Telecome, Raonsquare,
Mageta Robotics, Kamibot, Robolife, SAI (Jisu Jung , Sion Kim, Kwan Soo Yun),
After 6pm(ChangHoon JEON, Eunchan PARK, JinHwan OH), DFRobot(Sun Kuan, Song Weihua),
PLEN(Atsuhiko Tomita, Kazuyuki Takase), Shanghai Makers(Xiong Zhaoping, Bao Weiyue),
Tasko Inc.(Masataka KIMURA, Yousuke ODA, Ryoichi Sakata), WM(Michelle JJ Park, Wonbin YANG)
TOKYO DESIGN WEEK 2015の”Super Interactive & Robot Museum”にMMIが出展されます。
← Super Interactive & Robot Museum →
(- TDW2015公式サイトより引用)
Date: ↓
Former Session: 10.24 Sat.-10.28 Wed.
Latter Session: 10.30 Fri.-11.3 Tue., Holiday
Hours: 11:00am-21:00pm *Last day: 20:00pm Closed.
Venue: 2-3 Kasumigaoka, Tokyo 160-0013 Meiji-Jingu Gaien Mae(Central Venue), Shops around the Metropolitan areas
Exhibition booth: Super Interactive & Robot Museum
Human Member: KIMURA(TASKO inc.) x TOMOAKI YANAGISAWA(Rhizomatiks)
Ticket info.: TOKYO DESIGN WEEK 2015
Website: TOKYO DESIGN WEEK 2015 Super Interactive & Robot Museum MMI+TDW2015-Exhibitors
Event: AOSANDO ART FAIR × Apple Store 表参道 Talk & Live:マシンバンドMMIの作り方
Date: 2015/10/15(金) 19:00-20:30
Venue: Apple Store 表参道
Human Member: KIMURA(TASKO inc.) x TOMOAKI YANAGISAWA(Rhizomatiks)
Exhibition booth Apple Store 表参道 1F イベントスペース
Website: 青参道アートフェア 2015 Apple Store 表参道
8/12 リリース ニュー・シングル ゆず「終わらない歌」のMusic VideoにKIMURA + Tomoaki YANAGISAWA(Rhizomatiks)のMMI(Musical Mechanical Instruments)から生まれたマシーンたちや学研「大人の科学マガジン」のオート・オートマて・TASKO & KIMURA開発バージョン、そしてTomoaki YANAGISAWA(Rhizomatiks)と共作したライン・ダンサーズ・マシーンが出演しています。
Work: ゆず「終わらない歌」Music Video(TOYS FACTORY, 2015.8/12 NEW SINGLE)
Website: ゆず 終わらない歌
Crient: Robot
Cooperation: 学研「大人の科学マガジン」
TASKO: MMI(Musicical Mechanical Instruments)/オートマて/ライン・ダンサーズ・マシーン、ほか
Work: MMI “Ambient work 2015”
Human Member: KIMURA(TASKO inc.) x TOMOAKI YANAGISAWA(Rhizomatiks)
Event: Maker Faire Tokyo 2015
Date: 2015/8/1(土) – 8/2(日)
MMI Presentation Date & TIME on MFT 2015 Main Stage: 8/1(土)18:30 – 18:50
Open / End: (*8/1 12:00 / 19:00) (*8/2 10:00 / 18:00)
Venue: 東京ビッグサイト (西4ホール+屋上展示場)
Exhibition booth No.C-02-01(西4ホール)
Website: MFT2015
Musical Mechanical Instruments (MMI)
Project by KIMURA
(Machine Member)
Auto Automata G (Guitar)
Auto Automata B (Bass guitar)
Semi Auto Drum D (Drums)
Mohri san (Vocal)
(Human Member)
KIMURA (Mechanical engineer)
Tomoaki Yanagisawa (Hardware engineer)
Satoru Higa (Programmer)
2bit-kun. (Programmer)
Musical Mechanical Instruments (MMI)
(MMI profile video: https://youtu.be/gXFK8GPxYyY)
MMI are the machine band, which have been made in order to re-create the euphoria of Music. The purpose of the MMI’ project is to re-create the emotional space. MMI’ machine sounds and grooves are produced by Immediacy and functionality of the machine itself, which it is very uplifting to us .
MMI Members are 4 machines.
*Auto Automata G
Electric guitar machine
She can play the cord and pick up and down on 6 strings with just 2 fingers.
*Auto Automata B
Base guitar machine
She can play the cord and pick up and down on 4 strings with just 2 fingers.
*Semi Auto Drum D
Mechanical Drums
Not only Keeping the accurate beat mechanically, also human play drums sometimes. The performance of both the machine and human drumming can add to more emotional beat!
*Mohri san
3D audio effect machine / Vocal
She has the moving loudspeaker and the artificial voice on the stereophonic sound device.
The theme of MMI is re-creating the emotional space of Music. Music and live performance encourage excitement and elation in the Cheers of audience, Lighting effect, Visual effect, Sensory temperature, Atmosphere, and so on. These are the essential triggers of MMI for re-creating the emotional as well.
MMI can make it happen to add these essential triggers to the machine band performance. MMI will work as the device for re-creating the emotional space.
(reference link)
MMI Official website(Facebook)
KIMURA Official website
TASKO Official website
KIMURA Official twitter
KIMURA Official facebook
TASKO Official twitter
TASKO Official facebook
(KIMURA profile)
KIMURA:Masa Kimura
Born in Tokyo, Japan 1981.
Graduated in Tama Art University 2004.
studied under Professor Siro Takahashi at Electlic Art lab of TAU.
Major in “Peace and ROBOT”.
After Working as assistant for “Maywadenki”,
went solo and established “KIMURA Factory”.
What it calls “Daft Machines” ,
Commencing With “KIMURA formula mechanism series”
that using engines and motors, as well as things that others wouldn’t know how to make and order.
Products available throughout Japan and around the world.
●KIMURA works
2002.7 KIMURA formula mechanical series “peace walker.OT-1”
2003.8 KIMURA formula mechanical series “Foottaway 1”
2004.1 KIMURA formula mechanical series “Foottaway 2”
2004.2 KIMURA formula mechanical series “television”
2005.5 INU seres「IN-1」
2005.7 INU seres「rodeo foot」
2006.1 INU seres「moto&edge」
2008.4 「television DVD ver1.0.5」
2008.4 KIMURA Paper craft series「paper dog」
2009.2 KIMURA Paper craft series「kaminoid」
2009,2 KIMURA Paper craft series「mini KIMURA」
2010.2 KIMURA Paper craft series「kaminoid 2」
2010.3 KIMURA Paper craft series「mini KIMURA 2」
2011.6 Bolt Nut Ring
2014.10 MMI(musical mechanical instruments )
●Collaboration works
2006.9 「RACEING COW」©COW parade TOKYO
2009.10 「Breakfast Machine」©Yuri Suzuki
2009.12 「chibi 4WD 1/1」 ©robin Nishi
2010.2 「Le Disco Chandelier Bonsoir 」 ©Yuri Suzuki
2010.5 「singing fan」©Science for adults magazine (C)Mathrax,LLC
2011.6 「Finger piano music box」(C)Shougakkan
2011.10 「Breakfast Machine2」(C)Yuri Suzuki (C)Masamichi Tosa
2012.4 「Micro knoker」(C)Maywa Denki
2005.7 EXPO Aich japan 2005 sports summit「rodeo foot」
2006.2 one man motor show「KIMURA messe in rooms」yoyogi gymnastic hall
2008.4 Make:Tokyo meeting 01
2008.6 communication exhibition teisin museum
2009.4 「techno×comic」exhibition graffiti gallery at kouchi japan
2009.5 Make:meeting03
2009.9 「Platform21 = Jamming」build the breakfast machine!
by Yuri Suzuki & Masa Kimura. Platform 21 Netherland
2009.12 「love love show」 TOWADA art center
2010.2 NOMAN’S LAND closing installation, collaborate of Yuri Suzuki at French Embassy
2010.11 Make:tokyo meeting 06
2011.8 Open ATERIER 2011
2011.10 BAtoMA 「Build the Breakfast Machine!!」 laforet Harajuku
2014.10 Tokyo designer week “Super Robot exhibition”
2014.11 “Maker Faire Tokyo” at Tokyo big sight
2015.2 “OKSAT ” Liquidroom Tokyo
●Client works
yuri suzuki :sound chaser ,mechanical design
Fuyuki yamakawa: Puritan 1,mechanical design
ryota kuwakubo:NIKODA matrix,install pranning,derection
Saki chikaraishi:UNIVERSE⇄UNIVERSE,planning
Sputniko!:NANOHANA heels,mechanical design
yuri suzuki:Sound of the earth,mechanical design
androp:World words lights MV,mechanical design
tadasu takamine:mecha pandeiro,mechanical design
tadasu takamine:slogan of the room,mechanical design